Potluck Messabout Dinner 2007
Article By Shorty
The wind was so bad, that to keep the salad on our plates, we had to hold it down with our hands till we could plop some potato salad on top. Since nobody had visited the checkpoint boxes (well, by boat atleast), we decided to give out some plastic beads anyway. Yellow - if you showed up, you get a yellow bead. Green - if you got wet, you got a green bead. Blue - if you floated on the water in a boat.
I sewed mine onto my life jacket. Kinda cheezy, but hey, the Water Tribe gives out sharks teeth, figure the plastic beads could be our thing. So for future events, I am going to figure ways to work those beads into the activities we do.
A bunch of people had left by the time we ate - so if you were there and didn't get your beads, email me your address and I'll send them to you.
We talked about various stuff, and for next year, we are going to have a Human Powered Boat competition, plus some other stuff.

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