Fell Out Of Kayak
Article By Shorty

The second big activity that we like to do at our messabouts, is to re-enter boats that have been knocked over in deep water.

In the water goes Christina.

Can't quite get back in thru the side, it really is pretty dificult to re-enter a boat like this.

She tried a little bit of the technique where she uses the two boats to lift herself, but it wasn't working that well.
The water was cold, so she decided to come over to the chase boat and practice another time.
Any of you think that is an easy task, go out and give it a try, it really is tough.

Ed rolled the bionic log over just a yard from the shore.
Happened so fast I missed the picture, and he wouldn't re-enact it for me.

Greg took the log out for a paddle, it is a very tippy boat, but Greg is also a very experienced paddler.

Sure enough, over he goes too. After about 3 tries, he was able to reboard over the stern.
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