IMB Sailboat 2002-2
Article By Shorty

Jerry Scott built the first IMB, here he is heading out with Jim Michalak.

The first time Jerry brought his IMB to the messabout, Bob Williams saw it and decided to build one himself.
In no time flat Bob built the 2nd IMB and brought it to the next messabout.

It is a small interpretation of the Bolger Birdwatcher concept where everyone sits inside.

Being such a hot day, everyone was looking for a place to sit outside.

Roger had the bow seat, along with halyard duties.

For a boat that is only 14' long, it sure can handle a lot of people.
If it were cooler, or we had more wind, it would have been comfortable for all of us to sit inside.

With Jim at the tiller, and Jerry on the bow for ballast, the IMB was able to outrun the pirate ship "Wookie Chebacco".

I should have taken a close up of the motor mount, it is completely home made but functions as good as a comercial one.
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