Tim Cowden Binder Clip Kayak
Article By Shorty

Tim Cowden is definately our leader in the creative activities category!
Previously he has brought a tent canopy to try as a sail, last time he brought a partially built kayak and wrapped it in construction plastic and binder clips to test paddle.
This time his boat was further along, but still held together with binder clips, and in need of a skeg.
Just over there was a pile of old boards that were underneath some boat.
One of them just happed to look like a skeg (well, looked like a skeg to Tim).

Lets see... it should fit right here.

Would you look at that?
A little bit of rope, couple of small boards, and a C clamp.

And it works !!!!

He can track strait now!

If we could only do something about that paddle. :)
Wonder what Tim will be doing at the messabout next April ?
Tim made the decision that his boat will be called "Binder Clip".
Great name Tim !!
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