Viewers Choice Event 2007
Article By Shorty

It was a cloudy day that was threatening rain, so I think that is the reason we didn't have very many people show up for the viewers choice event.
The crowd was about 1/3 the size from last year.

John used the drive system from last years Stage Coach boat and made this redneck racing boat.
He is such an artist !

Peter brought back Power Surge, this is the 4th year it has been running.
The first year I saw it, they had little power transmission towers on the deck and wires connecting them.
Then last year he had big wind turbines made completely from cardboard, and they would spin while he paddled!
This year they made a class 2 drop-in paddle wheel system, and used the same boat in both the class 1 paddle, and class 2 mechanical driven class.

Here is another returning boat, not sure where from.

And mountain view high school - they added the triangle hull below to add floatation help it go better.
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